Archive for the 'DailyProgress' Category

Daily Progress-2/2/2011

Feb 02 2011 Published by under DailyProgress

Working Title: Trinity

Today’s Word Count: 1,481


Simon and Peter looked at each other, speaking glances. Kyle could just see their bond pulsing with emotions. It wasn’t just that though. They were the speaking glances of friends, brothers, loved ones that had spent their whole lives together, whole conversations conveyed in a single raised eyebrow or a crinkle of the lips.


Trying to grab a spare hour or two.  It’s actually really difficult but hey, slowly but surely, right?

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Daily Progress – 1/18/2011

Jan 18 2011 Published by under DailyProgress

Working Title: Trinity

Today’s Word Count: 1,511


Kyle found he was tired too. Tired of being their only connection to the past, tired of loving these three incredibly people, tired of wanting things for them but never being able to give it to them.


I want to do so much with these characters, get inside their heads.  Yet, I feel that everything I’m writing out sounds childish and discombobulated.  Maybe that’s really how my characters are.

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Daily Progress – 1/17/2011

Jan 17 2011 Published by under DailyProgress

Working Title: Trinity

Today’s Word Count: 3,038


He watched her move gracefully through the stacks, shelves upon shelves of genetic information, codes, and notes on everyone that had ever been inducted into the Society. More than anywhere else, it represented the true meaning and scope of the Society, borne upon the Life Bond phenomenon, maybe a bit mystical but ultimately purely scientific, logical, and practical. And seeing Cat moving through here, utterly self-possessed and confident at only 18 years old while he was still trying to figure everything out in his own life and his own place in this world, he couldn’t help but feel like, she, in her own way, personified the Society.


It’s starting to flow!  I just have to keep telling myself: edit later! edit later! 

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Daily Progress – 1/15/2011

Jan 15 2011 Published by under DailyProgress

Working Title: Trinity

Today’s Word Count: 2,158


However, when Simon looked at him, his eyes cooled, going flat, coldly assesing him. Kyle felt a small shiver running down his spine and he felt his feet hesitating. The primitive part of his mind was shrieking that this boy, this pale unassuming boy, was inherently dangerous and to turn around and run away as quickly as possible. Kyle turned a deaf ear to that part of his brain and kept walking towards the boy.


It’s kind of difficult setting up a made-up place with made-up characters and try to make them living and breathing, wonderfully flawed creatures without sounding like I’m spending forever just explaining things to the reader in a tedious manner.

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