Archive for April, 2011

Apologies & Update

Apr 20 2011 Published by under News

I wanted very much to keep a running log of how much I wrote each day.  What I’ve discovered is that not only do I write very sporadically, with fits and starts and many days of turning on the computer only to stare at the screen blankly, but that I dislike being so regimented.  What I’ve discovered about myself is that I write because I am compelled to, not because I want to or I desire to.  Of course, in the end, I do love writing, but it is not that love that actually produces my output.  Some days I write as if I can not stop, the words spilling out before my mind even begins to perceive that I am thinking it.  Other days, no matter how stubbornly I try to force myself, not a single solitary word that I write am I satisfied with.  Therefore, in a long roundabout way, I am trying to say that I am done with daily updates because I simply don’t operate that way. 

So, instead of being a journal of my progress, this blog will be a repository of my results, and therefore be updated as sporadically as I write.  I will probably end up posting my short fiction, fits of thoughts, and poetry.  I will also write about major steps forward with regards to my longer fiction.  Beyond that, we will keep our fingers crossed. 

I have actually finished writing my first novel which is amazing considering my stories tend to max out at around 10 pages and this one has ended up being about 170 or so pages.  I will probably write more about my feeling on this in another post.  So, I will have some of my go-to readers to skim over it and give me ideas on how to improve it.  Then, it’ll probably go through about two rounds of further editing.  And then, as drumrolls ensue, I am actually considering submitting it to some literary agents or publishers to see if anyone bites.  Let’s see what happens!

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