In-Between Alphabet: C is for Could

Nov 26 2012

Could is possibility.  Possibilities real and imagined and so imaginative that they can only be real.  Wishes, dreams, goals, and hopes can only be manifested through Could.  It takes a hold of the boundaries of the world, of the now and is, and drags it into the will be and might be and should be.

She says Could and her voice maps out a world that he’s never seen before, half-made-up stories of unconsidered futures populated by characters that don’t quite resemble him and shouldn’t be so similar to her.  She spins these tales like hand-spun yarn, weaving them in and out of his waking moments, around and around him until all he sees in front of him are these images that he wants so badly to be part of but can’t imagine himself belonging within.  It scares him, these Coulds, because maybe it means she’ll disappear someday to a place that he can’t reach, a topsy-turvy wonderland he’s barred from.  So, he holds her tighter to him while her lips form Coulds into the chilled night air, feeling them float around him like ghosts of the future.

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