In-Between Alphabet: E is for Each

Jan 07 2013

Each denotes singularity, an intrinsic individuality, an innate personification of oneness. It separates, placing invisible barriers.  At the same time, it highlights the similarities between disparate entities. Each is an identity of the members of a group, a badge of me-ness mixed up with us-ness, and doesn’t really care about the difference.

She taps each objects and names them, “Each”, meticulously sorted according to categories only conceived of in her mind, details only she can see. He is envious of the attention she places on inanimate objects, when he is sitting right in front of her, so he pushes one askew just so she’ll glare at him, so that he’s the focus of that laser-beam concentration. In bed, he asks her what category she’d place him in, and she tells him not to be ridiculous. Hurt, he turns away, until her fingers weave through the short hair at the base of his head, until she whispers words that puff against sensitive skin. You are not an Each, she croons to him, for you are the only and you have no category to be placed within.

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